Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Impending Death

I don't usually blog this frequently, but as I was staring at the ceiling I was thinking about Africa, as I often do, for those of you who really know me. :)

I thought about being there and serving people. How I long for that day more than words could begin to express.

Then, I thought of something catastrophic.
Or, for the rest of the world, cancer.
I thought about the thousands of stories I've heard of people getting a fatal disease and it radically changing the way they live their life.
They become more generous. They become more compassionate. They love harder and deeper.
Even many people not of the faith follow suit when they see their expiration date creeping closer.

Then, I thought about life.
It really is like that.
Even at 20 years of age, and in relatively good health, my life is short.
I do have a fatal disease that will kill me and even if I had 80 more years to live, that isn't very much time at all.

James 4:14 says,
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

We must look at our lives as they are, short, like a vapor even.

I realize time is of the essence and that eternity stands on the other side.
I must not waste time.
I must preach the Gospel.
I must live the Gospel.

I love you all.

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