Tuesday, August 23, 2011


When I was younger and less mature I had fallen into the idea of being against denominations, rather I had been lead to believe they were evil, but nonetheless I accepted. I do understand where people come from when they make such statement, just like those who are against "religion" but neither are evil. We are evil. This argument actually sounds a lot like the one Paul addressed when talking about the law, not the topic of today though.

I have now come to realize that denominations are not bad.
In fact, when done right, they are great.
I am proud to be a part of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Because we are founded.
Founded completely on God's Word.
The SBC wasn't formed to say we are better than anyone else (nor am I claiming such).
I want pause know to make sure you understand I do not care which denomination you belong to. That's your business and as long as we agree on the Gospel, that Jesus is the ONLY means on Salvation and you want to further the Kingdom, then be whatever you please and I'll be right beside you.
Nonetheless, the SBC exists to make sure that the church stays how the church should stay.
They make sure that pastors are preaching the true Word of God.
Sadly, other denominations (some of them) don't have this and therefore churches are falling apart because they are being taught opinions and man's opinion cannot bring life to anything.
I also realize some southern baptist churches are and have fallen through. I don't need sarcasm. I didn't claim it was perfect, because it is ran by imperfect people. We are trying though.
If they existed for no reason other than this, it would be enough, and so it is enough for me.
(They do more than just this, but this is the core and the only point I choose to make).
I am proud to be a part of a body that cares more about the true Word of God than comfort.

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