Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Honestly, I did not create this blog for others. I am not and will not write for anyone's praise. I'm writing because I like to write. It's my best way of expressing things and also, it's the way God is able to speak to me the best. Funny how he uses your own words to get your attention. Despite the fact that I'm not writing for anyone else, I do not mind people reading them. Being open about your problems and struggles helps one stay humble, and boy do I need that. So feel free to read. Just don't judge. I say that for your benefit, not mine. If something I say hits you in the stomach or makes you uneasy, it may just be God speaking to you so please, don't read these and then message me telling me how terrible I am or judging me, because I can tell you now I'm a far cry from perfect, but I'm trying. Anyway, enough of the boring. Next post will be time to get to business.

If you're reading this, I love you! Not because you're reading, but because you're you. :)
More importantly, God loves you.

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