So I definitely don't mean for the title of this blog to sound anything like a creeper. I kinda realized how it sounded after I put it, BUT it's fitting so I don't care. No offense, but that's why it's my blog. :)
So a few weeks ago I had this HUGE revelation that has COMPLETELY blown my mind and changed my life it two major aspects: Joy and conviction. Both of which are essential to living a Christian life.
Anyway, God has really shown, and continued to show me, this thing that has radically messed me up and I thought sharing would be nice. :)
So here it goes:
I know if you're a Christian you probably 'know' what I'm about to say. I 'knew' it too. But sometimes we know things but don't actually have a life-changing encounter with them so I wanna talk about it in hopes that it will help you, maybe.
Think about this fact: that God, Almight Father, Creator of the ENTIRE universe, Holder of all our dreams, and the earth not only CAN but CHOOSES to DWELL with YOU! I don't mean that He sits on a throne up in Heaven and watches you. I mean God, THE GOD, walks around with you! When you're sitting at your house and decide to drive to the store really quick to get a bag of chips He cares so much about you that He follows you on this, what we might see as, unimportant trip. He rides in the car, walks down the street, sits in your house, and watches you while you sleep. When we are praying we often think, at least I do, that our prayers have to travel a great distance, go through space and all that jazz then get to God. This will leave you with doubt as to if He even got your prayer. But this isn't TRUE! When you're down on your knees before God He is literally right BEFORE you! Ahh! What a refreshing and encouraging thought to think that God, in the mist of His busy schedule, He does run the universe, cares so much about you that He would still choose to hang out with you. :) mmmhh. good stuff.
But with this knowledge has come great conviction and I'm sure most of you know where I'm going with this. Because He is always around, He sees us at our worse. When we go where we shouldn't, listen to what we shouldn't, do what we shouldn't, say what we shouldn't, whatever, He goes, He hears and He sees. This thought breaks my heart to think that I, in my selfishness, but God through such evil and darkness.
But I want you to listen to me:
Do not let this message bring you down into sadness because of how much you mess up, conviction, absolutely. Without that we might as well not be Christians. But I want you to remember the beginning of this blog.
That God is ALWAYS with you!
That means despite your screw ups, you failures, your scars, He still loves you and still cares about you.
He died on a cross just so you would always have the proof.
I love you! I really do!
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