Saturday, May 29, 2010

Church steps

Where to even begin this blog.
It's very difficult to find words.
I guess I should just open my heart
and let the truth come out, but this
is no easy story to tell.

My little sister, Loralei, is in San Antonio
right now with her youth group. They
went to be a part of the Beautiful Feet
ministry for a few days. An amazing
ministry I must say because their heart
for those in need is so beautiful.

Anyway, I was texting her earlier to
check in and see how things were going
because I knew that the experience she
was blessed with would be changing her
life in ways that she wasn't ready for.
She told a few positive things but then,
she dropped a bombshell on me.
She told me that as they were waiting
on their food she had been starting out
of the window and across the street she saw
a man sleeping on the steps of a church.
Here's where I begin to lose people.

This mental image was too much for me.
It literally sent me to tears to think about
such a terrible thing to see. Now, don't get
me wrong, being homeless is bad in itself.
Especially when we consider that so many
that are homeless are NOT that way
because of drug addictions or gambling
like we often assume all are. Of course,
some are for those very reasons, but they
still need to see love like the rest of us.
Anyway, that's another story for another day.

The problem I really have with this picture is that it's allowed

How can we ignore such a sight? I'm not
saying that each of us have the means to
bring someone in and feed and clothe them,
even though some of us could, but I know
each of us could help. Even if we just stop and
have a cup of coffee with them and let them know
that you really care about them. But also, many of us
could help them. Some even know ways to become
employeed and I'm sure many would love ANY job.
Please, don't go off assuming things like most do.
I'm speaking to myself more than anyone.
That's why this is my blog.
But I do want to challenge you.
Next time you see anyone in need or even
just feel led to help someone regardless of
their background or situation,
Take time to listen to their stories.
Listen to their heart.
Cry with them.
Pray with them.
Show them the love that Jesus has given each of us.
Because I know that when we finally decided we wanted to accept Jesus
He didn't look to see how poor we were, how dirty we were, inside or out,
what sin we were stuck in, or whether or not we "deserved" to be loved.
He just loved.
So please,

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