Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I have no idea where to start, what to say or how to express what I wish.
I can't find words with enough emotion or meaning to fulfill the message I wish to convey.
I love you.
All of you.
My time home, though it hasn't gone exactly as I had planned (I didn't really want it to) has been perfect. In part, I would say it hasn't been long enough, but I know that is has. Regardless of what I may say in this post of the rest of this day or week, I know God has this under control. I've been resolved in Him all along. There is no way I would have thought to do what I've accomplished since January 3rd. I wish I could capture all that has happened since that day and show it to y'all. It hasn't all been good, but God has been.

The changes in me have been incredibly evident since returning. Nobody has said anything to me, so I don't know if they noticed, but I have. I know that I've changed drastically, and for the better. I hope to continue to grow and mature during this next season in life.

I just want to express my gratitude to all of you. I don't care if you've been in my life since September 28, 1990, since age three, since fifth grade, since high school, or for three weeks you've had an impact in my life. Especially those who've gone out of their way to encourage me. I know that I thank you all, but it isn't enough. I could never thank you enough for pouring into my life. Being away isn't always easy. Fellowship can be lacking from time to time, so your care and love are precious.

I am praying for all of you right now. I hope that you know you're loved and appreciated. I won't forget any of you. I hope you won't either. I may not be able to talk to you everyday, but I will try. Remember though, you don't have to wait on me, sometimes I need to be contacted.

I hope each and all of you stay in my life.
I promise to visit.
And I promise to be the best host if you come visit me.

and no matter how long I'm gone, or how far I may travel, one day we will all be reunited forever in the presence of God and able to fully enjoy Him without ceasing.

don't be sad.
i love you.

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