Monday, August 16, 2010

Price Check?

What is a person's salvation worth? Of course we know Jesus considered it worth everything. He wasn't JUST created, He had been. He was already in Heaven. The place we long for -yeah He left it just to make sure we could come too. And He didn't just come, die and leave. he was born, grew up, was tempted and lived perfectly, suffered and then died, then rose from death by the power of God! So when faced with this question we say nice answers, but what answer would our lives give? Ever used time as an excuse for not sharing the Gospel and love of God with someone? It wasn't worth my time. Ever been too afraid to speak up because of what someone might say or think? They weren't worth my pride. Ever used feelings as an excuse? They are less valuable than my comfort. If we compare the actions of Christ to our own we come up oh so very short. Jesus was willing to suffer and die and we are afraid of someone laughing at us. Don't even mention a chance of martyrdom. Is this simple and short life of comfort, hedonism and things, which we will lose no matter how hard we hold on, really so important that we can't give up our time, comfort, desires, feelings and yes, if God wills, even our life just so one person might know and embrace the love of God?

I must believe it's more than worth it. No salvation does not and cannot come from anyone but Jesus Christ, but sometimes people just need a glimpse of hope and a reason to believe. I can assure you with all my heart, in Heaven you will never regret the cost.
Christ sure won't. :)

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