If you say this word in other places, most embrace you.
But in America, this word makes most cringe.
The image of Christianity in America is much different than the image of the Christ we claim to follow.
When people not of the faith in America are asked what they think when they hear the word Christian, things like:
Homophobic, hypocritical, judgmental, and many others come to mind. Don't get me wrong, the world will hate us.
It hated Jesus.
But nobody ever accused Jesus of hating people.
He didn't.
And He made it known.
We grade sin.
Then we draw a line around us.
If someone jumps that line or exceeds the weight on that sin scale we don't want to love them anymore.
What. The. Crap.
Have we not read any of Jesus' words?
How about the Sermon on the Mount.
Jesus teaches us that sin is sin.
Having an affair is equal to watching porn.
Murdering someone is equal to being angry without cause.
Is it really sin we hate?
If it is why are we so "okay" with ourself?
I am not minimizing sin.
I'm questioning the love we so for our brothers and sisters.
The ONLY people that Jesus ever scorned and got on to were the ones who thought they had it all together. The ones who believed they were better than everyone else.
He never, ever judged or condemned an honest sinner.
Do we really wanna be like Jesus?
If we do then we seriously need to change this cycle.
People need love.
They need it.
It doesn't matter what they have done.
They still need love.
We all do.
And we are called to love them as ourself.
"So whatever you wish others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law of the Prophets. Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is HARD that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:12-14
If the way and amount we LOVE looks the same as the world,
we are not loving the way Christ did and called us to do.
Dare to be different.
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