There are some things on my heart that must be expressed. More will disagree than agree. Some may even get mad at me, but I've learned a valuable lesson about the truth. The truth may not always be popular, but it's always true.
During his time on earth Jesus, being sinless, spent His time LOVING on tax collectors and harlets. These groups of people were the most hated and despised of all people in this culture.
Jesus loved them.
I can almost see when the religious people brought the woman caught in adultry, asking Jesus if she should be stoned. He told them whoever was without sin should throw the first stone. In time they all left because they knew they weren't perfect. Here's the beautiful part: Jesus was sinless, He could have thrown as many stones as He wanted. BUT, He didn't. He told the woman He didn't condemn her.
Today in nearly every "church" and Christian household you can hear people slander, abuse and condemn people. We often use excuses such as, "they're too bad to change" or "they don't deserve forgivness for what they've done." I view both of these excuses as ignorant.
If someone "deserved" forgivness then they wouldn't need it. We put people's sins on a grading scale to decide their worthiness, but the Bible, Jesus especially, teaches us that sin, is sin, is sin. If you think it, plan it, or do it, it's sin. Period.
So willing to accept Grace.
Too selfish to allow others.
G-d help us.
No one can "out-sin" the Grace of G-d.
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