The things a woman must possess in order to have any future with me:
First and foremost, she must, beyond any doubt, be a believer in Jesus Christ. The Greek word for believe in the NT actually implies believe that causes action. My definition is no different. I do not make this rule or live by it to be hypocritical or to place myself above anyone. I do so because it will not work any other way. She must also show fruits that she loves Jesus more than she loves me and must, and as much as one can, show that it will always be that way. If there be any reason to believe she loves or adores me more, or ever will, it will not work. Idolatry is real.
I honestly could stop this post now because when fulfilled the previous statement will cover everything else, but because I feel like it, I shall continue.
She must love to read God's Word. Both as an individual, because she must have her own walk and to read it together.
She must love to pray and know it's true power.
She must love to laugh. I state this because honestly if she doesn't she won't like me and I'll have a hard time liking her. No need for further explanation.
She must not idolize materialistic things. There is nothing wrong with having things that are nice, and I will always provide my family with the things they need, but compulsive shopping and hoarding are major turnoffs.
She need not smoke, not because I believe smokers are hellish people but because: 1) it destroys the body, her's, mine (and possibly the children in the future) 2) It is absolutely in every way a waste of money and God made it very clear that wasting resources isn't good and it's something I will not do. Drugs are completely out of the question. End of story.
She must never feel that she has to work. If she would like to she is more than welcome but her employment will never be required.
She must be willing to relocate, not that I want to be nomadic my entire life but because God may at some point tell us to go somewhere else.
She must sing to me. I don't care what her voice sounds like.
She must expect me to always be chivalrous.
She must be willing to correct me when I need it and willing to be patient when I fail.
She must be the woman described in Proverbs 31.