This morning as I was on my way to work traveling down 45 God hit me with some of the strongest conviction of my life.
Early in the morning most people are coming down 45 headed south, while I and a few others are headed north. Then God compared that to how life is and it blew me away.
There are a small number of us who haven't done better or became smarter or figured life out, but have found a Risen Saviour and have accepted His forgiveness and salvation and are headed in the right direction.
But sadly, for the most part, everyone is headed in the wrong direction.
Here is what breaks my heart: as we go our own way we often don't even notice that there are others heading the opposite direction and even worse, lots of times even the ones we notice, at most we give them a smile or wave.
How can this be?
We see all these faces, even some we know, we are absolutely certain that only One direction is right and we know they aren't going that way and we ignore it.
I pray that you can catch this visual.
If not, try imagining it next time you're riding down the road.
I pray for conviction among Christians for the lost world.
Jesus told us the time is running out.
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.